Thursday, October 31, 2019

Medical Ethics and Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Medical Ethics and Law - Essay Example The courts consider the best interests of the patients, and this situation can be seen in cases where the interests of the mother and her unborn child are involved. In the Re A case, the court opposed the wishes of the parents and held that a surgical operation was to be performed, so as to separate the conjoined twins1.The English courts have made it very clear that every individual is at liberty, under the common law, to accept or reject any kind of medical intervention, including surgery. Medical practitioners are required by law, to comply with the ethics of the medical profession and to exercise considerable skill and competence in their work. If they fail to work in accordance with this legal duty, they will be deemed to have been negligent in their profession. Communication plays a central role in the medical profession. Therefore, medical practitioners should maintain adequate communication with other medical professionals2. This is essential in cases entailing medical complications. The absence of such communication would result in poor deliverance of medical care to the patients. Moreover, doctors would be subjected to the allegation of clinical negligence, if there were to be inadequate communication between them. Similarly, doctors who fail to inform the dangers, inherent in the illness to the patient, are considered by the law to be negligent3. Such physicians will be prosecuted for negligence by the courts, if the patient files a case in this regard. Blab performed an emergency operation upon Sophie, without her consent. She is a competent adult, and as she is vehemently opposed to any medical intervention, the question arises, as to whether Blab is liable for having provided the surgical intervention to her. Patients can refuse medical treatment or surgery under the concept of freedom. However, their decisions will be valid only if they have the required levels of competence. If the patient

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Philanthropy of henry ford Annotated Bibliography

Philanthropy of henry ford - Annotated Bibliography Example Ford brought about many changes in the automobile industry. His vision was to provide the Americans with a car that each of them could afford. The first car built by Ford called Model T changed the way millions of people lived in United States allowing them to travel faster as well as work farther away from home. Ford’s changes to the automobile industry left a lasting mark on the United States. As a result, this vision helped create the middle class in United States marked by urbanization, rising wages, creation of national highway systems, growth of suburbia as people could travel anywhere anytime. As the population of the Model T grew, he aimed towards global expansion of his company. Consumerism was his global vision as key to peace. He thought that international trade and cooperation can lead to international peace and he demonstrated this by using the assembly line and production of Model T. He also believed on the economic independence for United States. Soon Ford Company became the largest industrial complex that had its own vertical integration and could even produce its own steel. Henry Ford can be considered as a philanthropist because of this contribution to the people of United States and the world. Gregory Stobbs uses the Ford and his assembly line to explain about the patents methods in business. He explains how Ford developed the assembly line and what were the economic repercussions of his invention. For example, Russ mentions that the automobile assembly line was built keeping the division of labor in mind. Previously, skilled craftsmen manufactured a whole car from ground using tools and materials from the tool room as per their needs. Ford wanted that each worker whether skilled or un-skilled work on one part of the car and add their part when the vehicle would roll down the assembly line. Each person would be doing a repetitive job without ever having to worry about other parts of the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Effect of Music on Heart Rate | Experiment

Effect of Music on Heart Rate | Experiment Daniella Urteaga Background Information: The heart is a vital organ made of cardiac muscle that pumps blood throughout the body. Heart rate is associated with the contraction of the different chambers of the heart, and is considered myogenic. As a result, the heart beat is controlled independently of the central nervous system and is instead controlled by the pacemaker, also known as the Sino arterial node. The node sends signals through nerves in the heart to other nodes such as the AV or atrio-ventricular node and these result in the contraction of the chambers (Copeland, 1991). Heart rate is the number of heart beats per unit of time, typically expressed in beats per minute or bpm. The average heart rate at rest under normal conditions of adolescents and adults is 63.3 bpm  ± 13.1 bpm, with variability of 3.2 bpm  ± 2.1 (Leschka, 2006). Other factors also have an influence on the heart beat and heart rate such as the medulla of the brain of the hormone adrenaline. External stimuli or external factors also result in alterations of the heart rate. These include physical and emotional factors. One type of external stimuli that is shown to have effects on the heart rate is sound, specifically music. Music is currently being considered to be used as therapy for coronary conditions as well as on anxiety (Smolen et al, 2002). In addition, music is widely prevalent in the lives of adolescents. Teenagers in this day are age are exposed to music on a regular basis and a majority of adolescents living in the United States own mp3 or I-Pods (Epperson, 2011). Also, there are music therapies available for autistic patients that show improvement in their communication skills and behavior over time because of the certain music played in the therapy session. Sound has been shown to have effects on the heart rate. The average volume at which adolescents listen to music is 80 decibels which is approximately 80% volume on a music player using standard headphones (Epperson, 2011). Increasing volume has been shown to increase the heart rate, and decreasing volume has been shown to lower the heart rate (Okamoto, 2011). In addition, studies have been conducted that investigate different genres of music and their effects on heart rate as well as other heart application such as blood pressure. Personal Engagement Statement: The reason for doing this experiment is to see to what extent are we affected by music on a physical level. The reason I decided to focus on musics physical effect is because of how it is mostly known to have a more mental and emotional effect on our mood. I want to investigate how an everyday thing like music can cause physical change in our bodies by the different type of genres that come with it. This topic idea was also influenced by the fact I have been involved in musical groups, orchestra and mariachi, since I was 12 years old. The contrast between these two distinct musical groups, one soothing and the other festive, lead me to inquire upon musics effect in general. I want to not only know the difference between classical and mariachi music, but also take into account all the other music with varied tempos. Exploration: The topic I will be conducting an experiment on will be the study of musics effect on our heart rate. My research question my whole experiment will be based on is: What effect does the different genres of music have on an adolescents rested heart rate? The dependent variable of this experiment is going to be the heart rate because it will change or not due to the music, and I am going to measure the heart rate by beats per minute. My experiments independent variable will be the genre of music since it will not depend on the other variable for change. The controlled variables of this experiment will be the musics volume, headphones used, starting heart rate, the device used to play music, and the age and gender of the test subjects. Hypothesis: If the music is loud and has a fast tempo, then I believe your heart rate will increase because the tempo causes people to breathe faster. However, music with a slower and softer tempo, like classical music, causes the opposite effects on your heart rate. The research that helps back my hypothesis up is how Sakamoto found, for the Journal of Sound and Vibration, that there was an increase in systolic and diastolic pressure, which are the first and second reading in blood pressure, during exposure to steady noise and music with high intensity peaks. Since heart rate and blood pressure work interchangeably, like when exercising, it is a strong indicator heart rate will be affect by the musics genre based on the research. According to a study performed in Japan, hearing classical music results in a small variance of Mayer Wave which results in the lowering of the heart rate (Mamoru, 1998). This is because the sympathetic nerve is suppressed by the sound of classical music. In addition, rapid changes in volume and fast paced tempos cause the heart rate to increase (Epperson, 2011). These elements are what techno songs are composed of, and therefore an increased heart rate can be predicted upon listening to them. Independent Variable: The independent variable is the genre of music the subject is exposed to while their heart rate is being measured. The levels of the independent variable will include five different genres of music. These will include classical music, pop music, jazz music, techno music, and country music. These genres vary in style and tempo or speed. Dependent Variable: Heart rate which will be measured by beats per minute Controlled Variable: Volume of music, headphones used, starting heart rate, device used, age, gender, the quietness of room environment, and the position of subject while exposed to music. Materials: Headphones, iPhone for the music, stopwatch, paper, calculator, and pencil. Procedure: Data Collection will be a sample size of at least 30 trials ranging from the age of 14-18. For each age year, in total 5, there will be at least six trails for each subject that is of ever age, turning out to be 30 trials in total. My subjects will have a variety of males and females. Make sure to pick a quite outside or room environment where there is minimal distractions or conversations. Allow the subject to sit in the chair in an upright position, ensuring that his/her back is against the backing of the chair and his/her feet are firmly planted in the ground. Place headphones in the subjects two ears, but do not play any music yet. This is to ensure that the act of wearing headphones is not an additional factor. Conduct the first trial for the experimental control. Allow the subject to sit in the chair for three minutes without the addition of music to rest their heart rate as much as possible. Write down resting heart rate of subject by finding their radial pulse. (To find the radial pulse I will put my index and third finger on the subjects wrist nearest their body. I will use the pads of my fingers. Place them just below the wrist creases on the thumb side. Press lightly until I feel the blood pulsing under their skin). Once three minutes have passed, measure subjects heart by using beats per minute. In order to do this begin the stop watch after the first pulse is felt. Count the number of pulses felt until the stop watch reads 60 seconds Allow the subject one minute of silence before continuing with the rest of the trials. Conduct the trials involving the different levels of the independent variable. Set the volume on the iPhone to medium volume. After one minute of silence since the first pulse reading has elapsed, begin playing the pop music. (Ensure that the iPhone is set on repeat in case the song is too short. If this step is forgotten, the song may switch and the trial will not be valid for use) Allow the subject to listen to the song for three minutes on a constant volume. During the three minute time interval, note any changes in heart rate when finding their radial pulse. As the subject listens to the music, note changes in facial expression, skin temperature, skin color (paleness or redness), and involuntary movement as qualitative data. Allow the subject one minute of silence before continuing with the rest of the trials. Repeats steps 6a- 6g for all genres of music (jazz, classical, techno, and country). Repeat steps 1-5 until I get a sample size of 30 trials. Calculate the average for each subject and the respective genres of music in order to make a representation of the data. Measure the percent change in the pulse comparing the experimental control and all genres of music bpm in order to calculate the effect of the intensity of physical effect on the heart rate. Ensure collection is significant, relevant data by pooling the data. This will make sure that there is analysis even if this sample size may be too small to evaluate the effect or relationship of the study. Safety, ethical or environmental issues: To make sure this experiment is conducted in the safest and ethical manner, I will make sure the songs chosen are censored from any explicit language during the trials. Also, I will make sure the volume of the music is not very loud for the subjects to prevent any hearing injuries to take place. I will also make sure the headphones used while this experiments are always clean for each subject to prevent any possible ear infections. Data Collection: Qualitative: During this experimental procedure, I noticed various qualitative observations. Each genre of music seemed to have a different effect on the subjects. Some effects were subtle, while others were more noticeable. No changes in the skin color or body temperature were noted in this experimental procedure. However, slight movements were present. During the classical music, subjects made subtle swaying movements and briefly closed their eyes like showing they were relaxed into it. During the pop and rap music, the head swaying became more upbeat and the subjects smiled or lightly chuckled while their eyes were open. The rock genre and techno genres had similar movements and expression as the pop music. Quantitative: Table 1: Displays heart rates (bpm) of ten subjectsduring resting heart rate, classical, pop, country, jazz, and techno hearings for six trials. Subjects Trials Resting (bpm ±1.0) Classical (bpm ±1.0) Pop (bpm ±1.0) Country (bpm ±1.0) Jazz (bpm ±1.0) Techno (bpm ±1.0) Subject 1 (14 years old) 1 61 60 74 63 68 75 2 63 61 72 61 69 73 3 63 60 75 60 69 74 Subject 2 (14 years old) 4 64 57 73 60 67 74 5 62 57 75 59 69 76 6 63 58 74 59 70 75 Subject 3 (15 years old) 1 62 62 70 62 72 73 2 62 61 71 62 73 75 3 63 61 70 60 71 76 Subject 4 (15 years old) 4 63 63 69 58 74 72 5 63 62 67 60 74 71 6 62 63 68 57 73 71 Subject 5 (16 years old) 1 63 61 76 59 72 74 2 65 62 74 59 71 77 3 65 60 76 61 72 76 Subject 6 (16 years old) 4 65 59 75 62 74 75 5 66 61 73 60 73 76 6 64 59 74 63 75 78 Subject 7 (17 years old) 1 62 60 75 57 70 78 2 61 62 73 56 72 75 3 63 64 77 58 69 76 Subject 8 (17 years old) 4 64 64 72 60 75 73 5 64 63 68 63 73 72 6 66 64 71 59 77 72 Subject 9 (18 years old) 1 60 58 76 58 73 73 2 59 61 74 56 70 73 3 59 59 75 59 74 71 Subject 10 (18 years old) 4 63 59 69 62 72 72 5 67 60 72 58 71 70 6 65 57 71 60 71 73 I conducted the mean of the different bpm values for resting and the five genres of music (classical, pop, country, techno, and jazz) for each of the five subjects. This statistic allowed me to observe the average heart rate of each subject under the influence of the different music genres. Through this analysis, I was able to collocate the data and compare the differences in the bpm for each music genre. It gave me the ability to determine if a certain genre caused a larger average bpm for the subject and how it changed based on the intensity of the genre. I conducted the range of bpm of all six trials for each type of exercise. This statistic allowed me to identify the difference between the maximum value and the minimum value for bpm during each music listening. It gave me the ability to determine the distribution of my data for each different genre of music. Due to its small number, this value showed me that my average bpm for each exercise was overall pretty consistent, and did not fluctuate greatly during the three trials for each age section. I conducted the standard deviation of heart rate bpm from all six trials for each genre of music conducted. This statistic allowed me to obtain a more detailed and accurate estimate of the dispersion in the data values because one outlier can greatly exaggerate the data in the range, therefore making it inaccurate. The standard deviation showed me the relation of the bpm for all three trials to its mean value. Since it was a small value, it showed me that the bpm levels stayed mainly constant throughout the trials with a small dispersion of data. I conducted a percent change in order to determine the change in my bpm values between each genre of music and resting. By doing so, I analyzed by how much of a difference (bpm) value there was for each genre of music compared to resting. This was done to see if there was a significant increase or decrease in the bpm values between the genres of music and resting. Table 2: Displays average heart rate of ten subjects (bpm) and average data dispersion for eachgenre of music   Ã‚   Subject Genre of Music Average (bpm) Range (bpm) Standard Deviation Subject 1 (14 years old) Resting 62.3 2.0 1.2 Classical 60.3 1.0 0.6 Pop 73.6 3.0 1.2 Country 61.3 3.0 1.2 Jazz 68.6 1.0 0.6 Techno 74 2.0 1 Subject 2 (14 years old) Resting 63 2.0 1 Classical 57.3 1.0 0.6 Pop 74 2.0 1 Country 59.3 1.0 0.6 Jazz 68.6 3.0 1.5 Techno 75 2.0 1 Subject 3 (15 years old) Resting 62.3 1.0 0.6 Classical 61.3 1.0 0.6 Pop 70.3 1.0 0.6 Country 61.3 2.0 1.2 Jazz 72 2.0 1 Techno 74 3.0 1.5 Subject 4 (15 years old) Resting 62.6 1.0 0.6 Classical 62.6 1.0 0.6 Pop 68 2.0 1 Country 58.3 3.0 1.5 Jazz 73.6 1.0 0.6 Techno 71.3 3.0 0.6 Subject 5 (16 years old) Resting 64.3 2.0 1.2 Classical 61 2.0 1 Pop 75.3 2.0 1.2 Country 59.6 2.0 1.2 Jazz 71.6 1.0 0.6 Techno 75.6 3.0 1.5 Subject 6 (16 years old) Resting 65 2.0 1 Classical 59.6 2.0 1.2 Pop 75.3 2.0 1 Country 61.6 3.0 1.5 Jazz 74 2.0 1 Techno 76.3 3.0 1.5 Subject 7 (17 years old) Resting 62 2.0 1 Classical 62 4.0 2 Pop 75 4.9 2 Country 57 2.0 1 Jazz 70.3 3.0 1.5 Techno 76.3 3.0 1.5 Subject 8 (17 years old) Resting 64.6 2.0 1.2 Classical 63.6 1.0 0.6 Pop 70.3 4.0 2.1 Country 60.6 4.0 2.1 Jazz 75 4.0 2 Techno 72.3 1.0 0.6 Subject 9 (18 years old) Resting 59.3 1.0 0.6 Classical 59.3 3.0 1.5 Pop 75 2.0 1 Country 57.6 3.0 1.5 Jazz 72.3 4.0 2.1 Techno 72.3 2.0 1.2 Subject 10 (18 years old) Resting 65 4.0 2 Classical 58.6 3.0 1.5 Pop 70.6 3.0 1.5 Country 60 4.0 2 Jazz 71.3 1.0 0.6 Techno 71.6 3.0 1.5 Table 3: Displays total average bpm of all ten subjectscombined, average data dispersion for each genre, and comparison of average bpm of genres and resting using percent difference Subject Music Genre Total Average (bpm) Total Range (bpm) Standard Deviation Percentage Difference from Resting Combined (10) Resting 63 8.0 1.8 0.0 Classical 60.6 7.0 2.0 -3.8 Pop 72.7 10.0 2.7 15.4 Country 59.7 7.0 1.6 -5.2 Jazz 71.7 10.0 2.1 13.8 Techno 73.9 8.0 1.9 17.3 Conclusion: The results supported my initial hypothesis; however, they were not statistically significant. Initially I hypothesized that classical music would result in a lowering of the heart rate while techno music would have the most influence on raising the heart rate. According to my results, the percent difference between resting and classical music is -3.8% and the percent difference between resting and techno music is 17.3%, supporting my hypothesis. Country music also lowered the average heart rate by a lower -5.2%, while pop and jazz music heighted the heart rate by 15.4% and 13.8% respectively. The more upbeat songs such as the pop, jazz, and techno appeared to have increased the heart rates of the subjects as predicted, and the slower more relaxed songs such as the classical and country music lowered the heart rates. This experiment can be expanded to possibly aid in the development of new therapeutic methods based for cardiac conditions based on music. It can also be used to help aid in the stressful lives of teenagers, often resulting in higher-than-normal heart rates (Smolen et al, 2002). The results of my study, although not statistically significant support the findings of other scientists researching the field. Increases in systolic and diastolic pressures during exposure to steady noise and music with high intensity peaks are present (Epperson, 2011). This would account for genres of music such as techno that have a consistent beat and high peaks of volume. The opposite can be observed for classical music that constantly changes in rhythm and lack

Friday, October 25, 2019

Out-Out by Robert Frost and Mid Term Break by Seamus Heaney Essay

Analyse the two poems Out-Out by Robert Frost and Mid Term Break by Seamus Heaney by paying particular attention to the similarities between the two poems 'Out-Out' was written by Robert Frost who was an American poet born in 1874. He moved to the New Englandfarm country, where most of his poems were inspired. 'Mid Term Break' was written by Seamus Heaney, who was born on a farm in county Londonderry in Northern Ireland. The two poems are very similar and are both about the deaths of a young child, one about a boy who loses his hand whilst using a buzz saw; unfortunately, he also loses his life. In Mid Term Break the boy loses his life in a car accident. He was only left with "A poppy bruise on his left temple" There are also lots of differences between the two poems. In Out-Out the young boy was from quite a poor working class background in my opinion, which meant that the young boy had to work for the day in order to help the family. However the boy in Mid-Term Break was from a higher class family and seemed to be in quite a posh school. "College sick bay" This could mean it is a boarding school because it has its own sick-bay. The similarities between the poems are that both of the deaths were accidents and were also quite brutal. Out-Out is a poem of 34 lines of just one stanza. The poem is written in the 3rd person by somebody that is narrating the story, and that has no connections with the happenings of the poem. The way the poem is written also makes it less tragic, as every line flows to the next without giving much time to think about what has happened. The rhyming also hides some of the sadness in the poem. One point to consider is the shape of the poem, as it vaguely resemble... ...fer to catholic beliefs as in the religion they light candles to remember peoples lives, and to send them to heaven. Unlike Out-Out the ending is far more dramatic and depressing rather then the fading away from the story as happened In Out-Out, as you didn't even know how old the boy was until the very last line. This makes it seem very sad. "wearing a poppy bruise on his left temple, he lay in the four foot box as in his cot. No gaudy scars, the bumper knocked him clear. A four foot box, a foot for every year." This is very effective because it explained everything that happened, as we didn't know the story until the end. I think that makes the poem much more emotional, not knowing what to think. I believe Mid Term Break is more effective because of the was the poet has described the death, and it seems much more emotional that Out-Out.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Persuasion, Manipulation, and Ethics

There is a thin line that goes between persuasion, manipulation, and being downright unethical. There is a huge difference between what is persuasive and what is manipulative or unethical. However, there is a certain degree wherein these ideas come into a junction. Perhaps, the shared meaning between these words is influenced and is dependent on the objective and the intention of the speaker. To be clear on the similarities and or differences of these words, the definition of each must be placed into position. Persuasion is an act of influencing or pleading others to understand and recognize certain ideologies, beliefs, viewpoints, etc. Manipulation, on the other hand, is a form of social control wherein others are dealt with forcefully, capably, or cleverly, to bring about an end that is beneficial to the manipulator. (Merriam-Webster, 2008) Judging by the definition of the word ‘manipulation’ makes it unethical. If persuasion were a form of influence, then it would be accurate to establish the idea that in persuading an audience, there is a sense of sending out information and enlightening the audience to sway and encourage them to believe in or adhere to an idea. Manipulation on the other hand is a more dynamic  Ã‚  Ã‚   way of bringing about action and change to the audience. (Sager, 2008) If it is a cleverly way to win over an audience and controlling them to accomplish an objective, it would also be precise to establish the idea that in manipulation, there might be a tendency to go beyond what is ethical, such as covering-up the truth, to make people believe in or adhere to an idea. (Maxfield, 2007) Somehow, persuasion and manipulation are one in the same in the sense that both ideas are common in their objectives and purpose, and that is to cause change behaviorally or ideologically speaking to their audience. The difference between the two lies in their means of carrying out this objective. Persuasion is only a part of the bigger picture and that is manipulation. However, persuading an audience does not make it manipulation or an unethical act. References Maxfield, D. (2007). Influence vs. Persuasion and Manipulation. Retrieved: February 28, 2008, from InfluencerBook. Website: Merriam-Webster. (2008). Merriam-Webster Online. Retrieved: February 28, 2008, from Merriam-Webster Incorporated. Website: Sager, Lynn Marie. (2008). Persuasion Versus Manipulation – What’s the Difference?. Retrieved: February 28, 2008, from EzineArticles. Website:—Whats-the-Difference?&id=980122      

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Possible disadvantages of exercising too much

(1)Excessive exercise can increase vulnerability to disease and health problems. Athletes of varying ages who engage in long ad strenuous training programmes are more at risk from health problems than those who do moderate exercise. This has been found by looking at the number of school boys who contacted pneumonia after a period of intense sports training compared to others who only participated moderately and also the incidence of Upper respiratory tract infections in athletes who participated in a marathon compared to a group who had the same training but did not partake in the marathon. However it is not determined if this is a causal relationship of if another variable plays a role, an explanation for this could be the close encounters athletes have with each other at sporting events which could lead to the spread of bacteria much more easily and also the stress of physical activity could be causing illness. Immune system part Moderate Exercise Intense Exercise Phagocytic White blood cells Increased White blood cell count providing immunity boost against microbes Suppression of the immune system under stress and possible inflammatory response in muscle tissue reducing other non-specific responses B-cells and T-cells Normal Functioning Reduced helper T-cells activity leading to reduced antibody count Activated T-cells Normal Functioning Cytotoxic cell activity reduces Damage to Skeletal System Excessive exercise can cause damage to the body since parts are overused or put under great pressure, there are two types of injury, traumatic and over-use, traumatic injuries involve a single impact such as rugby and overuse injuries are similar to repetitive strain injuries. There are 4 main injuries that over exercise can cause on the skeletal system. * (2)Fractures: A fracture occurs when too much stress is put on a bone and occurs when too much weight is applied on the bone or there is a repetitive impact. * Bone Spurs: If you receive a bone injury and don't get it properly treated it can result in a bone spurs. This is caused when the bone tries to repair and calcifies the area around it. This is common in areas where big impacts are common such as the feet or Tibia * Back Pain: Most back pain is related to overused muscles but it can also be caused by slippage of back bones while lifting weights * Arthritis: When too much stress is put on joints in routine exercise and the weight they carry is more than they can handle arthritis can occur. Apart from fractures these problems are long term and often don't have any cheap cure requiring painkillers. (3)Lesser Problems Other problems can include an increased rate of eating disorder including Bulimia due to over obsession of body image. This can lead to excessive aerobic exercising which leads to the loss of both fat and muscle weight. The appearance of not loosing weight as your muscle density increases can cause more excessive exercising.